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Показано 1-29 з 29 записів.
Ціна (грн) Кількість Разом (грн)

"Oxford Basic Dictionary of English 4th Edition"

ISBN: 9780194333665
Видавництво: Oxford University Press

Elementary - Pre-Intermediate

It includes over 19,200 words, phrases and meanings and identifies the 2,000 most important words in English so students know which words to learn first.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th Edition Pack (with CD-ROM)"

ISBN: 9780194398237
Видавництво: Oxford University Press

Intermediate -Upper-Intermediate (B1-B2)
Створений на допомогу школярам та студентам і покликаний формувати лексичний запас та розвивати навички письма. Четверте видання цього тлумачного словника містить Oxford Writer (на CD-ROMі) та Oxford Writing Tutor для вдосконалення писемного мовлення. Крім цього, додано новий матеріал для підготовки до екзаменів і два безкоштовні онлайн тести рівнів PET та FCE.
Понад 500 нових слів; тематично спрямовані тексти про нові явища (соціальні мережі, блоги тощо); 24 Exam Tips для підготовки до іспитів; 16 сторінок Oxford Writing Tutor, які допоможуть спланувати, написати і перевірити роботу; Oxford 3000™ – найважливіші та найвживаніші слова, що мають відповідну позначку; Help Notes - допомагають уникати помилок; фотографії та малюнки допомагають зрозуміти важкі слова та нюанси значень.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Oxford Wordpower Dictionary 3th edition with Pack"

Автор(и): Joanna Turnbull
ISBN: 9780194399272
Видавництво: Oxford University Press

Wordpower builds vocabulary fast. The CD-ROM includes the full dictionary, Oxford Wordfinder Dictionary, vocabulary games and exercises. A Trainer booklet helps students get more from their Wordpower.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Macmillan Essential Dictionary & CD-ROM Pack"

ISBN: 9780230039483
Видавництво: Macmillan

Двоколірний словник з компакт-диском містить більше статей, аніж будь-який інший словник середнього рівня. 500 найважливіших слів виділено червоним кольором і градуйовано за частотою вживання. Зрозумілі та доступні пояснення за допомогою 2 300 найбільш вживаних слів. 36 000 реалістичних прикладів уживання слова в найрізноманітніших ситуаціях.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.

відсутній на складі
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (CD)

"Macmillan School Dictionary CD-ROM"

ISBN: 9781405057103
Видавництво: Macmillan

*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"21st Century Dictionary"

Автор(и): Jeff Davidson
ISBN: 9780550142108
Видавництво: Chambers Harraps

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary is the ideal dictionary for the modern world. The focus is on the English that people use today, and definitions are given in straightforward, accessible language. It is packed with usage notes giving advice on tricky points of style, grammar and punctuation.


**Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Longman Wordwise Dictionary"

ISBN: 9781405880787
Видавництво: Pearson

Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate



** Максимальна знижка на цю позицію: 10%


"Cambridge Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition"

ISBN: 9780521170925
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Ідеальний для підготовки до іспитів KET, PET, Starters, Movers і Flyers. Завдяки легким для розуміння, коротким визначенням надає впевненості в знаннях учням рівнів від Beginner до Pre-Intermediate. Містить короткі приклади речень в різних контекстах та сотні ілюстрацій. Унікальні секції Phrasal Verbs to Learn зосереджують увагу учнів на необхідній лексиці.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Macmillan School Dictionary"

ISBN: 9781405013420
Видавництво: Macmillan

Містить лексику необхідну для вивчення різних шкільних предметів.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Macmillan Study Dictionary + CD-ROM Pack"

ISBN: 9780230037137
Видавництво: Macmillan

This two-colour dictionary is packed with curriculum words, suitable for upper secondary/university students who study their curriculum subjects in English. Contains over 100,000 words, meanings and phrases.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Cambridge School Dictionary "

ISBN: 9780521712637
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Містить лексику з основних шкільних предметів - від природознавства, географії і літератури до математики і комп'ютерних технологій. Всі слова пояснюються просто і зрозуміло, подаються приклади їх вживання в реальних контекстах. CD-ROM дозволяє полегшити навчання, адже містить цілий словник, унікальний Smart Thesaurus для пошуку альтернатив часто вживаним словам; аудіозапис в британському та американському варіантах, сотні інтерактивних вправ і міні версію словника. Підходить для підготовки до екзаменів CLIL та GCSE.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Longman Active Study Dictionary 5th Edition"

ISBN: 9781408232361
Видавництво: Pearson

Highlights the 3000 most common words to help students target the words they really need to know. New Collocations and an Integrated Thesaurus help students expand their vocabualry. New Signposts help students find the meanings of words quickly. Includes increased language coverage, new words and a particular focus with the Academic Word List, making it the most comprehensive intermediate learner's dictionary available. 100,000 words, phrases and meanings, including the Academic Word List
40,000 corpus-based examples



** Максимальна знижка на цю позицію: 10%


"Longman Essential Activator New Edition"

ISBN: 9781405815680
Видавництво: Pearson

А unique dictionary for intermediate level students who want to expand their vocabulary and improve their writing skills.



** Максимальна знижка на цю позицію: 10%


"Collins COBUILD Basic American English Dictionary"

Автор(и): Collins Cobuild
ISBN: 9780008135799
Видавництво: Collins

The 2nd edition of the Collins COBUILD American Basic Dictionary is the ideal dictionary for elementary-level learners of American English. Up-to-date, easy-to-use and fully illustrated, the dictionary is particularly suitable for students who are studying at English-medium schools.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins COBUILD Learner’s American English Dictionary"

ISBN: 9780008135782
Видавництво: Collins

The 3rd edition of the Collins COBUILD American Learner's Dictionary is packed with features for intermediate-level students who want to build their vocabulary and increase their fluency in English. It is particularly suitable for students who are studying at English-medium schools. The dictionary is ideal for intermediate-level learners of American English. With full-sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. The examples, taken from the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are really used in authentic contexts. This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases, and idioms that students at this level need to master in order to speak and write effective American English.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Cobuild Intermediate Learner's Dictionary 3rd Edition"

ISBN: 9780007580606
Видавництво: National Geographic Learning

This dictionary is ideal for intermediate-level learners of English. With full-sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. The examples, taken from the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts.

This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases, and idioms that students at this level need to learn, and provides help with grammar and usage. A wide range of vocabulary building features, many of them with full colour illustrations, encourage students to learn new words and improve their fluency.
The dictionary also includes a Visual Thesaurus, which provides alternatives to the 50 most over used words in English; an Activity guide, which helps students learn how to get the most out of the dictionary, and a Grammar Reference, which explains key points of English grammar.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Cobuild Intermediate Dictionary with CD-ROM"

ISBN: 9781424016754
Видавництво: National Geographic Learning

This new dictionary for intermediate learners of English is packed with features for students working at this level. This edition includes a CD-Rom, with extra content and interactive activities.This dictionary is ideal for intermediate-level learners of English. Dictionary definitions are written in a clear full-sentence style, and there are thousands of clear, simple examples from corpus. This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases and idioms that students at this level need to learn, and gives help with grammar and usage. A wide range of vocabulary-building features, many of them with full-colour illustrations, help with learning new words.The dictionary also includes an Activity Guide, which gives exercises in dictionary use; a Grammar Reference, which gives essential guidance on key points of English grammar; Text Messaging Abbreviations and Emoticons; Defining Vocabulary; Geographical Places and Nationalities; Academic Word List.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Cobuild Intermediate Learner's Dictionary 4th Edition"

ISBN: 9780008253202
Видавництво: Collins

The 4th edition of the Collins COBUILD Intermediate Learner’s Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today’s English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for intermediate level learners of English, and with full sentence definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is easy to use and understand. Thousands of updated examples, taken from the 4.5 billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts. This dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases and idioms that students at this level need to learn and provides help with grammar and usage. Additional information is provided throughout the dictionary to help learners improve their fluency and confidence in using English. Informative and relevant vocabulary panels show how words are used in a range of everyday contexts. In addition, this dictionary offers learners guidance on how to communicate effectively in English. The Language in Use supplement provides a wealth of invaluable information on how to write and speak English for different purposes using the appropriate language, style and tone. Resources and activities to help learners make the most of the dictionary are available for free online.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Cobuild Primary Learner’s Dictionary 3rd Edition"

ISBN: 9780008253196
Видавництво: Collins

The Collins Cobuild Primary Learner's English Dictionary is an engaging new, illustrated dictionary aimed at learners of English aged 7 and over. The dictionary has been specially created for primary school students, whose first language is not English, but who attend English-language schools. Ideal for young learners of English and primary school students who are studying through the medium of English, the Collins COBUILD Primary Learner’s Dictionary covers all the essential words, phrases and idioms that students need to learn. The definitions are written using simple language and the dictionary contains thousands of examples of real English, showing the learner how English is really used. With over 8,000 entries, the dictionary also includes a wide range of cross-curricular (CLIL) vocabulary items, which will help students studying in English to build their academic vocabulary, as well as gain confidence in writing and speaking English inside and outside the classroom. With hundreds of line drawings illustrating key terms, and the full colour illustrated supplement of essential topics, the Collins COBUILD Primary Learner’s Dictionary is the ideal reference tool for young learners of English.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins English Dictionary Essential Edition [Hardcover]"

ISBN: 9780008158453
Видавництво: Collins

All the words you need, every day: the perfect dictionary reference for daily use, including all the words, phrases and definitions you need in adurable format. Language notes help you choose the right word and the easy-to-use layout allows you to find what you're looking for quickly. Specially tailored to meet your needs at home, school, and in the office, the Collins English Dictionary has comprehensive definitions and word tips to provide help with English usage. With this dictionary you can find all the words and definitions you need, as it boasts a comprehensive coverage of the language we use every day. It also contains the latest words to enter the language. The clear layout ensures you can find the words you need quickly. This edition contains an invaluable supplement on the most common mistakes and controversial issues in English. 200,000 words, meanings, and phrases.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins English School Thesaurus 6th Edition"

ISBN: 9780008257941
Видавництво: Collins

This Collins pocket thesaurus includes thousands of synonyms and antonyms as well as short definitions for all main entry words. Examples are given for all synonyms to show how they are used and to help students choose the right one for their context. The 'more synonyms' feature and 'types of' panels help to extend students' vocabulary and extra help is given to help avoid overuse of very common words. A special section focusses on writing skills and helps students to use language effectively and achieve success in all areas of written work. For more on English language usage, the Collins School Dictionary and Thesaurus is an excellent companion.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Collins Essential English Dictionary"

ISBN: 9780007556533
Видавництво: Collins

With colour entry words, Collins Essential English Dictionary is the perfect language tool for every situation. The helpful usage notes, and practical supplement created in partnership with Microsoft Officea, makes this hardback dictionary ideal for office use. Specially tailored
to meet the needs of the office user, the new colour Collins Essential English Dictionary has comprehensive definitions, word tips to provide extra help with English usage, and the newest words. With colour entry words, phrases, inflections, and derivatives, the clear accessible layout ensures users can find the language they need when they need it.
Collins Essential Dictionary also includes an invaluable supplement developed with Microsoft(R) to help you get the most from your Microsoft(R) 2007 software.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Collins Gem English Dictionary 2016"

ISBN: 9780008141677
Видавництво: HarperCollins

The world’s best-selling mini dictionary. This new edition, in color, is fully up-to-date, including the most popular new words to enter the English language. The ideal portable companion for all. This handy little dictionary gives you practical, applied knowledge in your pocket. It contains clear definitions for all the words you need on a daily basis and provides tips on spelling, and help with difficult pronunciations. The clear color layout makes the content easily accessible and suitable for immediate use. Includes an up-to-date supplement tackling problems of style and etiquette in everything from letters to emails to social media sites.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Gem School Dictionary 5th Edition"

Автор(и): Collins Dictionaries
ISBN: 9780008146467
Видавництво: Collins

This new edition of the Collins Gem School Dictionary is the perfect portable dictionary for all students aged 11-14. This dictionary has been updated to include around 20,000 entries, still contained in the best-selling Gem format. This handy dictionary has been developed with teachers to be the perfect tool for both school work and homework. The new Collins Gem School Dictionary provides clear, concise definitions and extra help with difficult pronunciations. It gives core vocabulary for key curriculum exam subjects, plus thousands of examples of words in use. Developed with teachers, this dictionary is an indispensable tool for any school student aged 11+. Furthermore, this new edition includes a guide to punctuation, spelling, and grammar, to support students in class, and during home study. With clear definitions and core vocabulary for key subjects and a color layout for easy accessibility, this dictionary contains more entries than any other school dictionary of this size.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins Primary Learner's English Dictionary"

Автор(и): Collins Cobuild
ISBN: 9780007337552
Видавництво: Collins

Brand new and generously illustrated, this dictionary is aimed at young learners of English aged seven and up. Specifically created for primary school students whose first language is not English but who attend English-language schools, this reference features more than 7,000 entries and an attractive full-color illustrated supplement, making it ideal for students who are not only learning English but studying at school through the medium of the language. Covering all the essential words, phrases, and idioms that students need to learn, this guide features definitions written in simple language and thousands of examples of real English, showing the learner how the language is really used. The dictionary includes a wide range of cross-curricular vocabulary items which will help students build their academic vocabulary as well as gain confidence in writing and speaking English inside and outside the classroom.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins School Dictionary"

Автор(и): Collins Cobuild
ISBN: 9780007535064
Видавництво: HarperCollins

The perfect language companion for all students aged 11+. With a clear and highly legible design throughout, it is easy to use and full of useful features to help build language confidence at school and help with homework and revision.

This new edition has been developed with teachers to be the perfect tool for school work and homework.

The clear layout makes finding entries exceptionally easy, and full definitions are given in simple language, often in complete sentences. With over 20,000 entries, many new or updated words, it includes the school national curriculum vocabulary up to Key Stage 3 and GCSE level, as well as general vocabulary for students aged 11.

A special section on spelling is included within the main dictionary. It outlines key spelling rules and lists words that are commonly confused or misspelled, so it helps students to identify and master the trickiest spelling problems.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Collins School Dictionary: Trusted support for learning"

ISBN: 9780008257927
Видавництво: Collins

This English School Dictionary is the perfect language companion for all students age 11+ (KS3). This new paperback edition has been developed with teachers to be the perfect student dictionary for children in class and for homework. The clear layout makes finding entries exceptionally easy, and full definitions are given in simple language, often in complete sentences. With over 20,000 entries, many new or updated, it includes the school national curriculum vocabulary up to Key Stage 3 and GCSE as well as general vocabulary for students aged 11+. A special section on spelling follows the main dictionary. It outlines key spelling rules and lists words that are commonly confused or misspelled, so it helps students to identify and master the trickiest spelling problems. This user-friendly Collins English School dictionary is an invaluable reference for all school students.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.


"Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English"

Автор(и): Varios Autores
ISBN: 9780194333504
Видавництво: Oxford University Press

The only learner's dictionary to focus exclusively on academic English, the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English is specifically designed for learners studying, or preparing to study, academic subjects on English-medium university courses. Based on the 85-million-word Oxford Corpus of Academic English, it provides all the tools students need to develop their academic writing skills. Includes hundreds of academic usage notes, full-sentence examples based on real academic texts, reference pages, and a 48-page Oxford Academic Writing Tutor. The CD-ROM includes the Oxford Academic iWriter, an interactive writing tutor.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.


"Oxford Dictionary Word for Word"

Автор(и): Stewart Clark, Graham Pointon
ISBN: 9780194327558
Видавництво: Oxford University Press

Compares and defines about 3,000 of the most commonly confused words in English. Easily confusable words can cause problems for learners. Word for Word explains the differences between them, presenting them in pairs or groups for ease of reference. Complete definitions contain example sentences and guidance on general usage, cultural variation, pronunciation, and spelling.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки.
