
Англійська » Художня література в оригіналі » Modern Fiction » Howard Jacobson

Говард Джейкобсон (англ. Howard Jacobson; 25 серпня 1942) — британський письменник і журналіст. Найбільш відомий завдяки написанню гумористичних романів на тему проблем британських євреїв.

Джейкобсона було нагороджено Букерівською премією з художньої літератури за його роман «Проблема Фінклера» (англ. The Finkler Question). Книга, опублікована лондонським видавництвом Блумсбері (англ. Bloomsbury), досліджує питання сучасного життя євреїв, а також присвячена темам «кохання, втрати і чоловічої дружби».

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Художня література

"Finkler Question"

Автор(и): Howard Jacobson
ISBN: 9781408818466
Видавництво: Bloomsbury

Julian Treslove, a professionally unspectacular former BBC radio producer, and Sam Finkler, a popular Jewish philosopher, writer and television personality, are old school friends. Despite very different lives, they've never quite lost touch with each other - or with their former teacher, Libor Sevcik. Both Libor and Finkler are recently widowed, and together with Treslove they share a sweetly painful eveningrevisiting a time before they had loved and lost. It is that very evening, when Treslove hesitates a moment as he walks home, that he is attacked - and his whole sense of who and what he is slowly and ineluctably changes.


*Pоздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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Художня література

"Full Bibliographic data for Zoo Time"

Автор(и): Howard Jacobson
ISBN: 9781408837443
Видавництво: Bloomsbury

Novelist Guy Ableman is in thrall to his vivacious wife Vanessa, a strikingly beautiful red-head, contrary, highly strung and blazingly angry. The trouble is, he is no less in thrall to her alluring mother, Poppy. More like sisters than mother and daughter, they come as a pair, a blistering presence that destroys Guy's peace of mind, suggesting the wildest stories but making it impossible for him to concentrate long enough to write any of them. Not that anyone reads Guy, anyway. Not that anyone is reading anything. Reading, Guy fears, is finished. His publisher, fearing the same, has committed suicide. His agent, like all agents, is in hiding. Vanessa, in the meantime, is writing a novel of her own. Guy doesn't expect her to finish it, or even start it, but he dreads the consequences if she does. In flight from personal disappointment and universal despair, Guy wonders if it's time to take his love for Poppy to another level. Fiction might be dead, but desire isn't. And out of that desire he imagines squeezing one more great book. By turns angry, elegiac and rude, Zoo Time is a novel about love - love of women, love of literature, love of laughter. It shows our funniest writer at his brilliant best.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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