
Англійська » Художня література в оригіналі » Modern Fiction » Orhan Pamuk

Орха́н Фери́т Паму́к (тур. Orhan Ferit Pamuk; нар. 7 червня 1952, Стамбул) — турецький письменник, прозаїк, володар найвищих світових премій, лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури 2006 року.

Орхан Памук, володар найвищих світових премій, протягом років залишається авангардним письменником, а його проза відрізняється свободою стиля. Твори турецького письменника вийшли мільйонними тиражами в усьому світі, та перекладені на 63 мови (включаючи малайську, грузинську, чеську, данську, японську, каталонську), його п'ять книг входять до переліку ста бестселерів у США.
Основні теми у творчості автора — співіснування Сходу і Заходу, конфлікт в сучасній Туреччині між ісламом і християнством, між минулим і майбутнім; проблеми пошуку самоідентифікації цілого народу і особистості.

Майже, у всіх його книгах основні події відбуваються у Стамбулі. У всій творчості автора простежуються зв'язки з давниною (чи це сім'я, чи місто, чи країна).

Показано 1-5 з 5 записів.
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Художня література

" A Strangeness in My Mind"

Автор(и): Orhan Pamuk
ISBN: 9780571276004
Видавництво: Faber and Faber

A Strangeness In My Mind is a novel Orhan Pamuk has worked on for six years. It is the story of boza seller Mevlut, the woman to whom he wrote three years' worth of love letters, and their life in Istanbul.

In the four decades between 1969 and 2012, Mevlut works a number of different jobs on the streets of Istanbul, from selling yoghurt and cooked rice, to guarding a car park. He observes many different kinds of people thronging the streets, he watches most of the city get demolished and re-built, and he sees migrants from Anatolia making a fortune; at the same time, he witnesses all of the transformative moments, political clashes, and military coups that shape the country. He always wonders what it is that separates him from everyone else - the source of that strangeness in his mind. But he never stops selling boza during winter evenings and trying to understand who his beloved really is.

What matters more in love: what we wish for, or what our fate has in store? Do our choices dictate whether we will be happy or not, or are these things determined by forces beyond our control?

A Strangeness In My Mind tries to answer these questions while portraying the tensions between urban life and family life, and the fury and helplessness of women inside their homes.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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Художня література

"My Name Is Red"

Автор(и): Orhan Pamuk
ISBN: 9780571214198
Видавництво: Faber and Faber

The Sultan secretly commissions a great book: a celebration of his life and the Ottoman Empire, to be illuminated by the best artists of the day- in the European manner. In Istanbul at a time of violent fundamentalism, however, this is a dangerous proposition. Even the illustrious circle of artists are not allowed to know for whom they are working. But when one of the miniaturists is murdered, their Master has to seek outside help. Did the dead painter fall victim to professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror? With the Sultan demanding an answer within three days, perhaps the clue lies somewhere in the half-finished pictures . . .


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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Художня література

"Silent House [Paperback]"

Автор(и): Pamuk O.
ISBN: 9780571275960
Видавництво: Faber and Faber

In an old mansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widow Fatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in the village for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, first arrived to serve the poor fishermen. Now mostly bedridden, she is attended by her faithful servant Recep, a dwarf and the doctor's illegitimate son. They share memories, and grievances, of the early years, before Cennethisar became a high-class resort. Her visiting grandchildren are Faruk, a dissipated failed historian; his sensitive leftist sister, Nilgun; and Metin, a high school student drawn to the fast life of the nouveaux riches, who dreams of going to America. But it is Recep's nephew Hassan, a high-school dropout, lately fallen in with right-wing nationalists, who will draw the visiting family into the growing political cataclysm issuing from Turkey's tumultuous century-long struggle for modernity.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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Художня література

"The Innocence of Memories"

Автор(и): Pamuk O.
ISBN: 9780571338665
Видавництво: Faber and Faber

The Innocence of Memories is an important addition to the oeuvre of Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk. Comprised of the screenplay of the acclaimed film by Grant Gee from 2015 (by the same name), a transcript of the author and filmmaker in conversation, and captivating colour stills, it is an essential volume for understanding Pamuk's work.Drawing on the themes from Pamuk's best-selling books, The Museum of Innocence, Istanbul and The Black Book, this book is both an accompaniment to the author's previous publications and a wonderfully revelatory exploration of Orhan Pamuk's key ideas about art, love, and memory.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

Художня література

"The Museum of Innocence"

Автор(и): Orhan Pamuk
ISBN: 9780571237012
Видавництво: Faber and Faber

The Museum of Innocence - set in Istanbul between 1975 and today - tells the story of Kemal, the son of one of Istanbul's richest families, and of his obsessive love for a poor and distant relation, the beautiful Fusun, who is a shop-girl in a small boutique. The novel depicts a panoramic view of life in Istanbul as it chronicles this long, obsessive, love affair between Kemal and Fusun; and Pamuk beautifully captures the identity crisis esperienced by Istanbul's upper classes who find themselves caught between traditional and westernised ways of being.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

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