
Англійська » Художня література в оригіналі » Modern Fiction » Paulo Coelho

Па́уло Кое́льйо (порт. Paulo Coelho), 24 серпня 1947, Ріо-де-Жанейро — бразильський письменник, романи якого перекладено 112 мовами світу.

З дитинства мріяв стати письменником, але в 1960-і роки в Бразилії мистецтво було заборонено військовою диктатурою. У той час слово «художник» було синонімом слів «гомосексуаліст», «комуніст», «наркоман» і «ледар». Турбуючись про майбутнє сина і намагаючись захистити його від переслідувань влади, батьки відправляють 17 літнього Пауло в психіатричну клініку. Вийшовши з клініки, Коельйо стає хіпі. Він читає все без перебору від Маркса й Леніна до «Бхагават-гіти». Потім, засновує підпільний журнал «2001», у якому обговорювалися проблеми духовності, Апокаліпсис. Крім того Пауло писав тексти анархічних пісень. Рок-гурт Raul Seixas зробив ці тексти такими популярними, що Коельйо відразу стає багатим і знаменитим. Він продовжує шукати себе: працює журналістом у газеті, намагається реалізуватися в театральній режисурі і драматургії. Але незабаром теми його віршів привернули увагу влади. Коельйо звинувачують у підривній антиурядовій діяльності, за що тричі заарештовують і піддають катуванням. Вийшовши з в'язниці, Коельйо вирішує, що прийшов час стати розсудливим. Він перестає писати і робить кар'єру в CBS Records, але в один прекрасний день його звільняють без усяких пояснень, тоді він вирішує почати мандри. Випадкова зустріч в Амстердамі приводить його в католицький орден RAM, створений у 1492 р., тут Пауло навчився розуміти мову знаків. Відповідно до ритуалу шляху, орден направляє його в паломницьку подорож до Сантьяго-де-Компостелла. Подолавши 80 кілометрів легендарною стежкою прочан, Коельйо описав цю подорож у своїй першій книзі «Паломництво», видану в 1987 році. Незабаром за нею з'явилась і друга — «Алхімік», що принесла авторові світову популярність.
«Алхімік» дотепер залишається книгою, яка продавалася найуспішніше в історії Бразилії і навіть згадають у Книзі рекордів Гіннеса. У 2002 році португальський «Журнал де Летрас», авторитетне видання про місцеву літературу і літературний ринок, оголосив про те, що за кількістю проданих екземплярів «Алхімік» випередив всі інші книги, написані португальською мовою за всю історію розвитку цієї мови.
Роман «Біля ріки Ріо-П'єдра сіла я й заплакала», опублікований у Бразилії видавництвом «Рокка», підтвердив міжнародний статус письменника. У цій книзі Пауло звертається до жіночої сторони людської природи.
У 1997 році Коельйо опублікував свою чергову книгу — «Підручник воїна світла», збірка філософських думок, що допомагають нам відкрити воїна світла в самих собі.
У книзі «Вероніка вирішує померти», опублікованій в 1998 році, Коельйо повертається до оповідальної манери. Цей роман також одержав прекрасні відгуки.
У вересні 2000 року книга «Диявол і сеньйорита Прим» була опублікована одночасно в Італії («Бомп'яні»), Португалії («Пергаміньо») і Бразилії («Обжектива»). У 2001 році книга продовжувала публікуватися в усьому світі та ввійшла в списки бестселерів тридцятьма мовами, якими була перекладена на той час.

«Паломництво» або «Щоденник мага», 1987
«Алхімік», 1987
«Бріда», 1990
«Валькірії», 1992
«Мактуб», 1994
«Біля ріки Ріо-П'єдра сіла я й заплакала…», 1994
«П'ята гора», 1996
«Книга Воїна Світла», 1997
«Любовні листи пророка», 1997
«Вероніка вирішує померти», 1998
«Диявол і сеньйорита Прим», 2000
«Батьки, сини й діди», 2001
«Одинадцять хвилин», 2003
«Заїр», 2005
«Відьма з Портобелло», 2007
«Переможець залишається один», 2009
«Пророк», 2010
«Алеф», 2011
«Рукопис, знайдений в Аккрі», 2012

Показано 1-35 з 35 записів.
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Художня література


Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9781786331595
Видавництво: Penguin Books

In HIPPIE, his most autobiographical novel to date, Paulo Coelho takes us back in time to re-live the dream of a generation that longed for peace and dared to challenge the established social order - authoritarian politics, conservative modes of behavior, excessive consumerism, and an unbalanced concentration of wealth and power. Following the "three days of peace and music" at Woodstock, the 1969 gathering in Bethel, NY that would change the world forever, hippie paradises began to emerge all around the world. In the Dam Square in Amsterdam, long-haired young people wearing vibrant clothes and burning incense could be found meditating, playing music and discussing sexual liberation, the expansion of consciousness and the search for an inner truth. They were a generation refusing to live the robotic and unquestioning life that their parents had known.



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Художня література

"The Alchemist [B Format]**"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780722532935
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Santiago, a young shepherd living in the hills of Andalucia, feels that there is more to life than his humble home and his flock. One day he finds the courage to follow his dreams into distant lands, each step galvanised by the knowledge that he is following the right path: his own. The people he meets along the way, the things he sees and the wisdom he learns are life-changing.

With Paulo Coelho’s visionary blend of spirituality, magical realism and folklore, The Alchemist is a story with the power to inspire nations and change people’s lives.


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Художня література


Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007155668
Видавництво: Thorsons

Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. This is such a book - a magical fable about learning to listen to your heart, read the omens strewn along life's path and, above, all follow your dreams.


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Художня література

"Alchemist (Hardcover)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780008144227
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. This is such a book - a magical fable about learning to listen to your heart, read the omens strewn along life's path and, above, all follow your dreams.


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відсутній на складі
Художня література

"Alchemist (Special Edition)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007492190
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. This is such a book - a magical fable about learning to isten to your heart, read the omens strewn along life's path and, above, all follow your dreams.


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Художня література


Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007435517
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal-the woman he loved 500 years before-an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself.


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Художня література

"Aleph (Paperback)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007435838
Видавництво: Collins

Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal-the woman he loved 500 years before-an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself.


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Художня література


Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007274468
Видавництво: Collins

This is the story of Brida, a young Irish girl, and her quest for knowledge. She has long been interested in various aspects of magic, and has taken courses in astrology, tarot, and numerology, but is searching for something more.


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Художня література

"Brida (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780061762703
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

This is the story of Brida, a young Irish girl, and her quest for knowledge. She has long been interested in various aspects of magic, and has taken courses in astrology, tarot, and numerology, but is searching for something more.


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Художня література

"By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007214716
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Pilar is an independent and practical young woman who is feeling bored and frustrated by the daily grind of her university life. Looking for a deeper meaning to her existence, she happens to meet an old childhood friend, now a handsome, mesmerizing spiritual teacher - and a rumoured miracle worker.


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Художня література

"By the River Piedra,I sat down and wept (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060736309
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

Pilar is an independent and practical young woman who is feeling bored and frustrated by the daily grind of her university life. Looking for a deeper meaning to her existence, she happens to meet an old childhood friend, now a handsome, mesmerizing spiritual teacher - and a rumoured miracle worker.


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Художня література

"Coelho Collection (Slipcase + 5 A-format Paperbacks)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007228829
Видавництво: Collins

Veronika Decides to Die, The Devil and Miss Prym, Fifth Mountain, Eleven Minutes, The Alchemist


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Художня література

"Devil and Miss Prym (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780061154287
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

A stranger arrives in the small mountain village. He carries with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars.Burying these in the vicinity, the stranger strikes up a curious friendship with a young woman from the village - Miss Prym


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Художня література

"Eleven Minutes"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007166053
Видавництво: Collins

A chance meeting in Rio takes Maria to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune, yet ends up working the streets as a prostitute. In Geneva, Maria drifts further and further away from love while at the same time developing a fascination with sex.


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Художня література

"Eleven Minutes (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060726751
Видавництво: HarperCollins

A chance meeting in Rio takes Maria to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune, yet ends up working the streets as a prostitute. In Geneva, Maria drifts further and further away from love while at the same time developing a fascination with sex.


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Художня література

"Fifth Mountain (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060736279
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

Elijah is a young man struggling to maintain his sanity amidst a chaotic world of tyranny and war. Forced to flee his home, then choose between his newfound love and security and his overwhelming sense of duty, this is a moving and inspiring story about how we can transcend even the most terrible ordeals by keeping faith and love alive.


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Художня література

"Like the Flowing River"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007235810
Видавництво: Collins

In this riveting collection of thoughts and stories, Paulo Coelho, the author of `The Alchemist', offers his personal reflections on a wide range of subjects from archery and music to elegance, traveling and the nature of good and evil.


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Художня література

"Manuscript Found in Accra"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007514236
Видавництво: Collins

July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort.


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Художня література

"Manuscript Found in Accra (Paperback)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007514250
Видавництво: Collins

July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort.


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Художня література

"Pilgrimage (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060736293
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

A compelling tale that delivers a powerful brew of magic and insight, The Pilgrimage recounts the amazing trials of Paulo Coelho and his mysterious mentor, Petrus, as they journey across Spain in search of a miraculous sword - on a legendary road travelled by pilgrims of San Tiago since the Middle Ages.


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Художня література

"The Devil and Miss Prym"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007132867
Видавництво: HarperCollins

A stranger arrives in the small mountain village. He carries with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars.Burying these in the vicinity, the stranger strikes up a curious friendship with a young woman from the village - Miss Prym.


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Художня література

"The Fifth Mountain"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780722537510
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Elijah is a young man struggling to maintain his sanity amidst a chaotic world of tyranny and war. Forced to flee his home, then choose between his newfound love and security and his overwhelming sense of duty, this is a moving and inspiring story about how we can transcend even the most terrible ordeals by keeping faith and love alive.


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Художня література

"The Pilgrimage"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007214709
Видавництво: Collins

A compelling tale that delivers a powerful brew of magic and insight, The Pilgrimage recounts the amazing trials of Paulo Coelho and his mysterious mentor, Petrus, as they journey across Spain in search of a miraculous sword - on a legendary road travelled by pilgrims of San Tiago since the Middle Ages.


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Художня література

"The Spy"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9781784756796
Видавництво: Random House

When Mata Hari arrived in Paris she was penniless. Soon she was feted as the most elegant woman in the city. A dancer who shocked and delighted audiences, as a confidante and courtesan she bewitched the era's richest and most powerful men. But as paranoia consumed a country at war, Mata Hari's lifestyle brought her under suspicion. In 1917 she was arrested in her hotel room on the Champs Elysees and accused of espionage. Told in Mata Hari's voice through her final letter, The Spy is the unforgettable story of a woman who dared to break the conventions of her time, and paid the price.


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Художня література

"The Spy : A Novel of Mata Hari "

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9781784756789
Видавництво: Arrow Books

When Mata Hari arrived in Paris she was penniless. Soon she was feted as the most elegant woman in the city. A dancer who shocked and delighted audiences, as a confidante and courtesan she bewitched the era's richest and most powerful men. But as paranoia consumed a country at war, Mata Hari's lifestyle brought her under suspicion. In 1917 she was arrested in her hotel room on the Champs Elysees and accused of espionage. Told in Mata Hari's voice through her final letter, The Spy is the unforgettable story of a woman who dared to break the conventions of her time, and paid the price.


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Художня література

"The Valkyries"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007214693
Видавництво: HarperCollins

This is a modern-day adventure story featuring Paulo's supernatural encounter with angels - who appear as warrior women and travel through the Mojave desert on their motorbikes.


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Художня література

"The Winner Stands Alone"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007306091
Видавництво: Collins

Igor is a wealthy Russian businessman. His wife Ewa left him two years ago and Igor has never really come to terms with their break up, especially as Ewa is now remarried to a famous fashion designer, Hamid Hussein. Igor is insanely jealous and when Ewa left him he told her that he would destroy 'whole worlds' in order to get her back, and he intends to keep his promise...


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Художня література

"The Witch of Portobello"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007251889
Видавництво: Collins

This is the story of Athena, or Sherine, to give her the name she was baptised with. Her life is pieced together through a series of recorded interviews with those people who knew her well or hardly at all - parents, colleagues, teachers, friends, acquaintances, her ex-husband.The novel unravels Athena's mysterious beginnings, via an orphanage in Romania, to a childhood in Beirut.


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Художня література

"The Zahir"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007213627
Видавництво: Collins

The Zahir, Paulo Coelho's new novel, is a perfect follow-on to The Alchemist. Paulo picks up the theme of the pilgrimage but tells a very different, gripping story of love, loss and passionate obsession.


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Художня література

"Valkyries (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060736286
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

This is a modern-day adventure story featuring Paulo's supernatural encounter with angels - who appear as warrior women and travel through the Mojave desert on their motorbikes.


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Художня література

"Veronika Decides to Die"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007103461
Видавництво: Collins

Veronika has everything she could wish for. She is young and pretty, has plenty of boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet she is not happy; something is lacking in her life, and one morning she decides to die. She takes an overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up some time later in the local hospital. There she is told that her heart is damaged and she has only a few days to live.


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Художня література

"Winner Stands Alone (B-format)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780007306077
Видавництво: HarperCollins

Igor is a wealthy Russian businessman. His wife Ewa left him two years ago and Igor has never really come to terms with their break up, especially as Ewa is now remarried to a famous fashion designer, Hamid Hussein. Igor is insanely jealous and when Ewa left him he told her that he would destroy 'whole worlds' in order to get her back, and he intends to keep his promise...


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Художня література

"Witch of Portobello (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780061472770
Видавництво: HarperCollins

This is the story of Athena, or Sherine, to give her the name she was baptised with. Her life is pieced together through a series of recorded interviews with those people who knew her well or hardly at all - parents, colleagues, teachers, friends, acquaintances, her ex-husband.The novel unravels Athena's mysterious beginnings, via an orphanage in Romania, to a childhood in Beirut.


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Художня література

"Zahir (US)"

Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780060875350
Видавництво: HarperCollins USA

The Zahir, Paulo Coelho's new novel, is a perfect follow-on to The Alchemist. Paulo picks up the theme of the pilgrimage but tells a very different, gripping story of love, loss and passionate obsession.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.

Художня література


Автор(и): Paulo Coelho
ISBN: 9780091958886
Видавництво: Hutchinson

Linda knows she's lucky.
Yet every morning when she opens her eyes to a so-called new day, she feels like closing them again. Her friends recommend medication. But Linda wants to feel more, not less.


*Роздріб. На гуртові замовлення – знижки. Для детального розрахунку змоделюйте замовлення.
