Англійська » Робота з граматикою та лексикою » Vocabulary » Oxford Word Skills
Видавництво: Oxford University Press
Beginner to Advanced
Автори: Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman
Кількість рівнів: 3
Вік: молодь та дорослі
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Довідник та практичний посібник з лексичної (Vocabulary Reference and Practice Book) with Key
A three-level topic-based vocabulary course to learn and practise words, phrases and lexical grammar in context.
Oxford Word Skills improves students' vocabulary and vocabulary learning skills. Short, clear presentations and lots of opportunity for practice give students the confidence to use new vocabulary. 80 units at each level mean they cover a huge range of topics and everyday situations. Extra practice and interactive activities on CD-ROM.
Key features:
- 2,000 words at each level show the meaning and how words work in context
- 'I can...' approach to each unit so students can see learning goals
- fully integrated Super Skills CD-ROM with interactive listening and speaking activities and pronunciation model for every vocabulary item
- 'Cover and check' card makes it easy for students to test themselves
- regular review units so students can check progress