Підготовка до іспитів » Business English Certificate (BEC) » Success with BEC
Видавництво: NGL
Кількість рівнів: 3
Автори: Rolf Cook, Mara Pedretti, Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett, John Hughes, Colin Benn
Підручник (Student's Book)
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's Book)
Provides complete preparation for the BEC exams, but is also an ideal focus for in-company training courses and for business people and students wishing to improve their English and job prospects. The course covers the three levels of the exam: BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher.
Business Topic lessons which teach vocabulary from BEC topic areas. Business Skills lessons which focus on essential communication skills. Exam Spotlight lessons which present information about the exam, develop exam skills and provide exam practice