Підготовка до іспитів » Bestsellers для ЗНО » Exam Booster
Видавництво: Express Publishing
Автори: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Підручник (Student's Book)
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's book)
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (Class Audio CD)
Specially designed to offer comprehensive coverage of those skills needed for learners at CEF level B2+.
Vocabulary presentation and practice in 14 separate themes; a variety of stimulating and interesting texts; systematic development of reading, listening, speaking and writing skills; writing sections for each module with theory, model analysis, plans and useful language including narratives, reviews, descriptions and essays; culture sections for students to familiarise themselves with the culture of English-speaking countries; a Vocabulary Bank section to help students further practise the target language; carefully designed tasks to familiarise students with exam material; a Speaking Bank section for students to revise the notions and functions required at this level; a Grammar Bank section with theory presentation and graded exercises.