Підготовка до іспитів » Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) » ECPE result!
Видавництво: Oxford University Press
Автор: Peter May
Підручник (Student's Book)
Брошура з відповідями (Answer Key)
Брошура з тестами (Practice Tests) with Audio CD
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (Class Audio CDs)
Focuses on developing students' language level in all four skills to prepare them for the C2-level American English examination.
A strong focus on grammar and vocabulary raises students' language level in preparation for the ECPE exam. Systematic exam training ensures students prepare for all task types. 'Exam focus' sections provide techniques for completing the tasks effectively. Ten complete ECPE practice tests in the accompanying Practice Test Book and CD pack, ensure thorough practice of all ECPE task types.