Німецька » Середня школа (5-11 класи) » Geni@l klick
Geni@l klick A1
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick A1.1
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick A1.2
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick A2
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick A2.1
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick A2.2
LangenscheidtGeni@l klick B1
LangenscheidtВидавництво: Klett-Langenscheidt
Від A1 до B1
Автори: Hermann Funk, Michael Koenig, Ute Koithan, Theo Scherling, Susy Keller, Maruska Mariotta
Кількість рівнів: 3.
Вік учнів: 10 – 18 років.
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Kursbuch)
Робочий зошит (Arbeitsbuch) mit Audio-CD
Додаткові для учня:
Посібник з граматики (Intensivtrainer)
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Lehrerhandbuch) - містить сторінки підручника
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (CDs)
Брошура з тестами (Testheft) mit Audio-CD
Інтерактивний комп'ютерний диск (CD-Rom)
Відео-диск (DVD)
This popular Langenscheidt textbook series for the secondary level was designed according to the U.S. National Standards and the new European Standard (Framework of Reference). It provides a solid basis of structural components along with culturally authentic material. Designed according to the Baukastenprinzip, it allows teacher and students to mix and match the various materials according to needs, abilities and aspirations. geni@l, with all its stimulating internet projects and links to authentic German sites, is the most ingenious way for young students to learn German.
Each textbook features 12 chapters plus 3 review chapters. The varied units are short, made up of six pages each, with numerous motivating opportunities for speaking. Pronunciation exercises (intonation, word and sentence emphasis) are incorporated throughout the units. A grammar summary of structures introduced and practiced in the chapters is included in the appendix.
The topics are young and culturally authentic, and include the latest in communications technology (e-mail, internet projects, online activities, etc.). The material is appealing and challenging and strikes the delicate balance between the linguistic level of competency and topical interests of high school age students. The DVDs to geni@l enable students to understand more through movement, gestures and facial expressions, with both verbal and non-verbal communication.
The Videotrainer includes additional in-depth exercises and also allows extra-curricular work with the DVD. The geni@l A2 DVD includes additional worksheets.
Clearly defined goals at the beginning of each chapter make the learning process transparent for teacher and student.
The program advances sequentially and transitions smoothly from one level to the next.
The series is correlated to the U.S. National Standards and additionally prepares the student for the Zertifikat Deutsch.