Підручники для студентів та дорослих » Life 2nd edition

Life Beginner 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning

Life Elementary 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning

Life Pre-Intermediate 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning

Life Intermediate 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning

Life Upper-Intermediate 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning

Life Advanced 2nd ed
National Geographic Learning
Видавництво: National Geographic Learning
Від Elementary до Upper-Intermediate (A1-B2)
Автори: Paul Dumett, John Hughes, Helen Stephenson
Кількість годин на один рівень: 90-120.
Кількість рівнів: 6
Вік: студенти, дорослі
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Student's book) with DVD
Робочий зошит (Workbook) with Audio CD
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's book) with Audio CD
Диск для створення тестів та контрольних (ExamView CD-ROM)
Програма для інтерактивної білої дошки (Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM)
Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners. Through stunning National Geographic content, video, and engaging topics, Life inspires a generation of informed decision-makers. With
Life, learners develop their ability to think critically and communicate effectively in the global community.
New to this Edition
An extensive Critical Thinking syllabus encourages learners to develop well-informed opinions Updated and relevant content through National Geographic photographs and video engages learners by connecting them to people and places from around the world New ‘My Life’ sections help learners explore the connections between the content and their own lives.