Англійська » Молодша школа (1-4 класи) » Fairyland
Fairyland starter (1)
Express PublishingFairyland 2
Express PublishingFairyland 3
Express PublishingFairyland 4
Express PublishingFairyland 5
Express PublishingFairyland 6
Express PublishingВидавництво: Express Publishing
Від A1
Автори: Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Кількість годин на один рівень: 80-100.
Кількість рівнів: 6.
Вік учнів: 5-10 років.
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Pupil's Book)
Робочий зошит (Workbook) - повноколірний
Додатково для учня:
Інтерактивна електронна книга (iеBook)
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's Book)
Картки наочності та додаткові дидактичні матеріали (Teacher's Resource Pack)
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (Class CDs)
A six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Fairyland Starter is the same as Fairyland 1 with a gentle introduction to reading and writing in addition to the existing listening and speaking practice. Fairyland Starter also includes the teaching of the English alphabet.
Key Features:
- captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils
- presentation of vocabulary through posters and flashcards
- catchy songs and chants
- carefully graded development of all four skills
- inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning
- craftwork, projects and portfolio activities
- cross-curricular & cross-cultural sections
- green sections, promoting respect for the environment
- Myths & Legends: a fascinating section where learners are immersed in a world of fantasy and mystery
- cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure
- Activity Book in full colour
- step-by-step interleaved Teacher´s Book
- Teacher´s Resource Pack with reinforcement and extension activities