Англійська » Молодша школа (1-4 класи) » Wonderful World Second Edition

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 1
National Geographic Learning

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 2
National Geographic Learning

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 3
National Geographic Learning

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 4
National Geographic Learning

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 5
National Geographic Learning

Wonderful World 2nd Edition 6
National Geographic Learning
Видавництво: National Geographic Learning
A1 to B1
Кількість рівнів: 6
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Student's book)
Робочий зошит (Workbook)
Додаткові для учня:
Граматичний посібник (Grammar Book)
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Lesson Planner with Class Audio CD, DVD, and Teacher's Resource CD-ROM)
Програма для інтерактивної білої дошки (Interactive Whiteboard Software)
Набір карток наочності (Flashcards) (для рівнів 1 і 2)
Плакати (Posters) (для рівнів 3-6)
Онлайн ресурси (Online Resources)
Explore the world with your students and discover its wonders – all while developing the English skills they need to become successful global citizens. Through spectacular National Geographic video and inspiring photography,Wonderful World, Second Edition helps students travel the globe, learning about different countries, cultures, people and their customs.
With clearly structured methodology and explicit grammar instruction, this six-level series is packed with fascinating facts that spark curiosity, personalisation activities that get your students talking, and new online resources that make it even easier to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life.
Grammar Books for each level provide additional presentation, explanation and practice.
Video lessons featuring authentic National Geographic content introduce the wonders of the world to your students.
Say it! activities relate lesson content to students’ lives and get them talking.
Sing it! activities in levels 1 and 2 provide a fun and memorable way to practise new language through song.
Captivating unit-opening activities engage, focus and inspire your students.
Sounds of English activities support pronunciation and sound recognition.
Revised vocabulary and exercise types improve alignment with the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (CYLETs).
More frequent Review sections consolidate your students’ learning through additional practice.
Write it! activities encourage and improve students’ writing skills.
Additional online activities for students and teachers further extend learning opportunities. Visit NGL.Cengage.com/wonderfulworld2e for online resources and more information!
Interactive Whiteboard software for each level incorporates all of the Wonderful World, Second Edition teaching resources. Fully interactive Student’s Book pages allow teachers to make the most of integrated audio and video. Workbook and Grammar Book pages both with and without answers make self or peer-correction even easier!
The Lesson Planner includes step-by-step teaching notes and support for planning every lesson! Teaching Tips accompanying Unit Opener spreads give useful advice on topics such as using games in the classroom, learning new vocabulary and using grammatical terminology. Overlaid answer keys make checking answers simple and easy! Extra activities provide opportunities to extend classroom practice – or keep fast finishers busy!
A fresh, modernised design makes the series simple to use and a joy to teach.