Німецька » Підручники для студентів та дорослих » Aspekte Neu

Aspekte 1 Neu

Aspekte 2 Neu

Aspekte 3 Neu
Видавництво: Klett-Langenscheidt
Від B1+ до C1
Автори: Ute Koithan, Helen Schmitz, Tanja Sieber, Ralf Sonntag, Nana Ochmann
Кількість рівнів: 3.
Вік учнів: студенти, дорослі
Основні для студента:
Підручник (Lehrbuch) mit oder ohne DVD
Робочий зошит (Arbeitsbuch)
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Lehrerhandreichungen)
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (CDs)
This intermediate/advanced DVD-based textbook series is designed for the development of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conversation.
Material is placed in context through various topics which are viewed from different angles via interactive exercises, various text forms, and interviews. At the core of this program is a DVD which features authentic clips from German TV and serves as a springboard for the various exercises and activities in each chapter.
The chapters have a modular structure. It enables the instructor to teach the material either in linear or non-sequential order. Content and grammatical structures are clearly outlined at the beginning of each chapter for easy access and convenient overview. The workbook contains additional exercises as well as tools for self-evaluation. The DVD advances the listening comprehension skills via short sequences which are linked to photo-prompts and exercises in the textbook.
Topics are introduced in 10 chapters under various aspects. They include: Wohnwelten (Baumhaus; Obdachlosigkeit; Hotel Mama; König Ludwig II), Gesundheit (Fast Food-Slow Food; Lachyoga; Schokolade; Stress), Kaufen und Konsum (Supermarkt; Konsumgesellschaft; Reklamation und Beschwerde; Billa Österreichs gröter Supermarkt) etc.
Review of previously learned structures and concepts is emphasized. It prepares the learner for reading longer authentic German texts. Photos and visual materials at the beginning of each chapter facilitate the entry into the new topic. Each module presents and practices effective learning strategies for all four skills. New vocabulary is introduced in meaningful and engaging contexts which stimulate discussion. The DVD heightens the interest via culturally authentic material. An examination chapter with sample DVD is available upon request.