
Англійська » Дитячі книжки в оригіналі » Paul Smith for Richard Scarry's

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"Paul Smith for Richard Scarryís Cars and Trucks and Things That Go"

Автор(и): Richard Scarry
ISBN: 9780007581061
Видавництво: HarperCollins Children's Books

British designer, Paul Smith, has created a stunning new look for his favourite classic children's book, Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things that Go. This edition features a hardback copy of the book in a wonderful interactive slipcase.This beautiful edition of the book features new Paul Smith covers and packaging. Slide the book out of the slipcase to turn the traffic lights from red to amber to green and see the paintwork on the cars change.The book is a classic of children's story books, loved for 40 years. This edition will surely be a collector's item for many more years.


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