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"The Complete Jungle Book"

Автор(и): Kipling R.
ISBN: 9781509841851
Видавництво: Macmillan Children's Books

A beautiful luxury gift book to cherish for years to come, The Complete Jungle Book is the ultimate edition for Jungle Book fans. With a foreword by award-winning writer and superfan Katherine Rundell, this book contains Rudyard Kipling's best loved classic animal stories: The Jungle Book, The Second Jungle Book, the bonus story The Cat That Walked by Himself and Kipling's most famous poem, If –.Step into Kipling’s wonderful jungle and join Mowgli, Bagheera, and Baloo on their adventures in this one-of-a-kind book, featuring stunning illustrations and colour plates by Stuart Tresilian, original illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling and refreshed colour art based on Tresilian’s drawings.


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