Англійська » Підручники для студентів та дорослих » Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition A1 Starter
Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition A2 Elementary
Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition B1 Pre-Intermediate
Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition B1+ Intermediate
Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition B2 Upper-intermediate
Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Empower 2nd Edition C1 Advanced
Cambridge University Press
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press (CUP)
CEFR рівні: від Starter до Advanced (A1-C1)
Автори: Craig Thaine, Adrian Doff, Peter Anderson, Lynda Edwards, Tim Foster, Ruth Gairns, Rachel Godfrey, Peter Lewis-Jones, Rob McLarty, Julian Oakley, Herbert Puchta, Stuart Redman, Wayne Rimmer, Jeff Stranks
Кількість рівнів: 6
Вік: студенти, дорослі
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Student's book) with Digital Pack
Робочий зошит (Workbook) with/without Answers
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's Book) with Digital Pack
Empower Second Edition combines up-to-date content from expert authors with validated, CEFR-aligned assessment to measure progress.
Your adult and young adult learners will develop all four skills through this six-level British English course, further enhanced with online content in our Cambridge One platform. The robust assessment, integrated into the course, means learners are always working towards a measurable goal.
Key Features
- A series of documentary style videos (in addition to the Lesson C videos) bring English to life in authentic, real-world contexts. These high-interest supplementary videos are thematically linked to the topics and language of each unit and come with a downloadable worksheet.
- Reliable, accurate and meaningful End-of-unit tests, mid- and end-of-course competency tests provided by the world leaders in language assessment. A CEFR test report is provided which reliably benchmarks the learner’s level in each of the four skills.
- A Student’s Book and eBook with thought-provoking images and texts and engaging video, designed to generate an emotional response; all helping teachers to deliver motivating and memorable lessons.
Research-informed syllabus
The language in the course is informed by our unique multi-billion-word language database, the Cambridge English Corpus, which includes formal, informal, written and spoken language. It
also includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a unique collection of exam scripts written by students taking Cambridge English exams all over the world.
With expert insight into what language items learners can understand at each Council of Europe Framework of Reference (CEFR) level, you can be confident that your students are encountering the most relevant language at the right point in their learning journey.
Корисні посилання:
Зразок вмісту до кожного рівня - https://www.cambridge.org/cambridgeenglish/catalog...