Англійська » Підручники для студентів та дорослих » Navigate
Navigate beginner
Oxford University PressNavigate elementary
Oxford University PressNavigate pre-intermediate
Oxford University PressNavigate intermediate
Oxford University PressNavigate upper-intermediate
Oxford University PressNavigate advanced
Oxford University PressВидавництво: Oxrford University Press (OUP)
Elementary to Intermediate
Автори: Jake Hughes, Katie Wood, Paul Dummett, Catherine Walker
Кількість годин на один рівень: 80-120.
Кількість рівнів: 3
Вік: студенти, дорослі
Компоненти кожного рівня:
Основні для учня:
Підручник (Student's book) with DVD-ROM and OOSP (Oxford Online Skills Program)
Робочий зошит (Workbook) with key and CD
Для вчителя:
Книга для вчителя (Teacher's Book) with Resource CD
Аудіо-диски для роботи в класі (Class CDs)
Navigate is a brand new, six-level General English course tailored exclusively to adults. The course takes an innovative approach to reading and listening based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages. It teaches reading and listening from the bottom up, giving learners the skills they need to understand the next text they
will read and hear, not just the one they are reading or hearing now. The content has been extensively piloted and reviewed in ELT classrooms across the world, giving teachers the confidence that it really works.