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Club @dos 1 (A1)
Difusion Centro De Publicacion Y Publicaciones De Idiomas
Club @dos is a new French course designed for teenagers from 11 to 13 years old. With 6 thematical units, learners will discover 6 groups of teenagers (the athletes, the readers, the photographers) and a key character will guide them with lexical, grammatical and communication activities. Activity cards to use in class permit a cross-curricular approach of French on maths, art, sciences, sports, civics and geography. All these different units will allow learners to discover cultural and sociological aspects of the French speaking world. At the end of each unit, they will be able to carry out two projects : a group project and an individual one.
Each topic thematical unit opens with a dialogue as an introduction to the themes presented during the chapter, allowing students to become familiar with the language to be used. 3 double page illustrated lessons cover the key grammar points as well as vocabulary and phonetics, which are all practised though exercises related to the topic of the chapter.
A double page 'Mag @dos' allows students to learn French through fun and interesting activities in the form of quizzes, surveys and reports.
At the end of each textbook, there is a grammar and conjugation section, which is a valuable reference resource for students to consult whilst working through the textbook.