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"Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2nd Edition"

Автор(и): Jack C. Richards, Theodore S. Rodgers
ISBN: 9780521008433
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

This new edition is an extensive revision of the first edition of this successful text. Like the first edition, it surveys the major approaches and methods in language teaching, such as grammar translation, audiolingualism, communicative language teaching, and the natural approach. This edition includes new chapters on topics such as whole language, multiple intelligences, neurolinguistic programming, competency-based language teaching, cooperative language learning, content-based instruction, task-based language teaching, and the Post-Methods Era. Teachers and teachers-in-training will discover that this second edition is a comprehensive survey and analysis of the major and minor teaching methods used around the world.


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"Beyond Training Perspectives on Language Teacher Education"

Автор(и): Jack C. Richards
ISBN: 9780521626804
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Beyond Training examines the nature of second language teacher development and how teachers' practices are influenced by their beliefs and principles. It seeks to move discussion of language teacher development beyond the level of "training," which reflects a technical view of specific teaching practices. Instead, it takes a more holistic approach to teacher development built on the notion of the teacher as critical and reflective thinker. The argument pursued throughout is that teacher education needs to engage teachers not merely in the mastery of techniques, but in an exploration of the knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that underly their teaching practices.


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"Affect in Language Learning"

Автор(и): Edited by Jane Arnold
ISBN: 9780521659635
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

The affective domain and the emotional factors which influence language learning have been of interest in the field of language teaching for a number of years. By proposing a holistic approach to the learning process, this volume takes the position that the language learning experience will be much more effective when both affect and cognition are considered. The eighteen chapters discuss issues such as memory, anxiety, self-esteem, facilitation, autonomy, classroom activities, and assessment from the perspective of affect. Affect in Language Learning will be of interest to teachers-in-preparation, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum designers, programme administrators and researchers and to those second language teaching professionals who wish to improve language teaching through a greater awareness of the role affect plays.


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"Appropriate Methodology and Social Context"

Автор(и): Adrian Holliday
ISBN: 9780521437455
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

The methodology of English language education has been developed mainly in the English-speaking countries of 'the west' and does not always fit the needs of the rest of the world. Appropriate Methodology and Social Context investigates this state of affairs by looking at the wider social context of what happens between teachers and students. It uses an ethnographic framework to explore the complex and diverse cultures of classrooms, of student groups and teacher communities in different countries and educational environments. It goes on to argue that these factors have to be acknowledged in the design and implementation of appropriate methodologies. Although a major concern is with classroom teaching, the methodologies for curriculum and project management and design are also addressed.


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"English for Specific Purposes"

Автор(и): Tom Hutchinson, Alan Waters
ISBN: 9780521318372
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

English for Specific Purposes offers the teacher a new perspective on this important field. The main concern is effective learning and how this can best be achieved in ESP courses. The authors discuss the evolution of ESP and its position today; the role of the ESP teacher; course design; syllabuses; materials; teaching methods, and evaluation procedures. It will be of interest to all teachers who are concerned with ESP. Those who are new to the field will find it a thorough, practical introduction while those with more extensive experience will find its approach both stimulating and innovative.

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"Classroom Decision-Making Negotiation and Process Syllabuses in Practice"

Автор(и): Michael P. Breen, Andrew Littlejohn
ISBN: 9780521666145
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

How can one involve students in classroom decisions? What difficulties might arise? What benefits can be expected? This collection addresses these questions by bringing together for the first time accounts from teachers who have introduced shared decision-making with students.

- Offers the broadest coverage to date of negotiation in language learning

- Includes articles by classroom practitioners

- Is a practical account of theory which directly relates to practice.


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"The Experience of Language Teaching"

Автор(и): Rose Senior
ISBN: 9780521612319
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Through the words of more than 100 practising language teachers, The Experience of Language Teaching provides a detailed picture of teaching and learning in communicative classrooms. Using a teacher-generated framework it covers a range of aspects of classroom life: how teachers create environments suitable for language practice, how they get students 'on-side', how they manage tricky students, how they enhance the learning experience, how they develop and maintain a spirit of community.The book demonstrates how paying attention to both the learning and social needs of their class groups enables language teachers to behave in flexible ways that promote learning.This book will be of interest to teachers, teacher educators, researchers and to anyone interested in finding out what it is like to be a language teacher at the present time.


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"Developing Reading Skills A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises"

Автор(и): Frangoise Grellet
ISBN: 9780521283649
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

This is a handbook for language teachers who would like to develop their own reading materials or who wish to enrich a reading course. It offers a classification and description of exercises aimed at developing different reading skills. While the book is designed primarily for teachers of English as a second language, the exercises are equally appropriate for the teaching of other foreign languages and much of the book is relevant to the teaching of first-language reading skills. The question-types range from the familiar (for example, multiple-choice and open questions) to highly original exercises which require the integration of different skills and an active, creative response from the student. It encourages teachers to introduce variety into the teaching of reading and offers them a great deal of resource material to draw on.


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"Focus on the Language Classroom An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers"

Автор(и): Richard Allwright, Kathleen M. Bailey
ISBN: 9780521269094
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Considerable research has gone on in recent years into exactly what happens in the language classroom - what and how learners learn, what teachers actually do, and what kind of events take place. Sometimes the findings show that what happens is not what is expected when lessons are being prepared and taught. Allwright and Bailey set out to define the aims, principles, and objectives of classroom research, to describe the findings and relate these to teaching practice. All teachers will find much that they can relate to their classrooms. It contains points to discuss, suggestions for further reading, and mini-projects, all of which can either be carried out by the individual reader or by teachers working in groups.


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"Teaching Languages to Young Learners"

Автор(и): Lynne Cameron
ISBN: 9780521774345
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Recent years have seen rapid growth in the numbers of children being taught foreign languages at younger ages. While course books aimed at young learners are appearing on the market, there is scant theoretical reference in the teacher education literature. Teaching Languages to Young Learners is one of the few to develop readers' understanding of what happens in classrooms where children are being taught a foreign language. It will offer teachers and trainers a coherent theoretical framework to structure thinking about children's language learning. It gives practical advice on how to analyse and evaluate classroom activities, language use and language development. Examples from classrooms in Europe and Asia will help bring alive the realities of working with young learners of English.


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"Foreign and Second Language Learning. Language Acquisition Research and its Implications for the Classroom"

Автор(и): William Littlewood
ISBN: 9780521274869
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

In Foreign and Second Language Learning, William Littlewood surveys recent research into how people acquire languages and considers its relevance for language teaching. He describes the most important studies and ideas about first language acquisition, and how these have influenced and developed into studies of second language acquisition. He considers the background of language theories which were current before the present interest in acquisition research, and looks at factors such as learners' errors, whether learners are predisposed to acquire language in certain sequences, why some people are apparently more successful at learning languages than others, and how learners make use of their new language to communicate. The use of clear examples, the careful explanation and balanced commentary on the research enable the reader to evaluate the evidence and consider the relevance of work in this field to the day to day concerns of teaching and learning languages.


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"Testing for Language Teachers Second Edition"

Автор(и): Arthur Hughes
ISBN: 9780521484954
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

This second edition remains the most practical guide for teachers who want to have a better understanding of the role of testing in language teaching. It has a new chapter on testing young learners and expanded chapters on common test techniques and testing overall ability.

Second edition of the most widely used book on language testing. Up-dated references and new chapter on testing young learners. No other book covers all of the aspects of language testing in an accessible manner.


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"Communicative Language Teaching An Introduction"

Автор(и): William Littlewood
ISBN: 9780521281546
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

The communicative approach is changing the face of foreign language teaching. It provides an introduction to communicative language teaching for practising classroom teachers. The author gives a single coherent account of the basic communicative ideas, emphasizing those aspects most important in the classroom so that teachers can integrate the new ideas into their own familiar methods. He stresses that a knowledge of grammar remains essential for effective communication.


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"Conversation From Description to Pedagogy"

Автор(и): Scott Thornbury, Diana Slade
ISBN: 9780521891165
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

This book provides a comprehensive account of conversation in English and its implications for the ELT classroom. After a general overview and definition of conversation it provides the reader with a systematic description of conversational English, from the vocabulary of conversation, to grammar, discourse and genre. This is followed by an informed account of the development of conversation in both first and second language acquisition. It then describes a range of methodological approaches, procedures and techniques for teaching conversation in English. On this basis, an integrated approach to the teaching of conversation is provided, along with practical classroom applications.


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"Interactive Language Teaching"

Автор(и): Wilga M. Rivers
ISBN: 9780521311083
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

The paperback edition is designed to help classroom teachers make language classes more participatory and communication oriented. A distinguished group of innovative teachers and writers describe, in a collection of essays, the approaches and techniques they have incorporated into their own teaching.


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"The Language Teaching Matrix"

Автор(и): Jack C. Richards
ISBN: 9780521387941
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Richards explains how effective language teaching involves a network of interactions between curriculum, methodology, teachers, learners, instructional materials.Each chapter discusses and examines the theoretical and practical dimensions of a central issue in language teaching. Topics covered include the nature of effective teaching, self-monitoring in teacher development, language and content, and teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing. Richards presents key issues in an accessible and highly readable style, and shows how teachers and teachers-in-training can be involved in the investigation of classroom teaching and learning. The emphasis is not on prescriptions but rather on developing effective teaching through understanding the various factors that interact in second language learning and in the second language classroom.


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"Language Test Construction and Evaluation"

Автор(и): J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham, Dianne Wall
ISBN: 9780521478298
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Language Test Construction and Evaluation describes the process of language test construction clearly and comprehensively. Each chapter deals with one stage of the test construction process; from drafting initial test specifications, to reporting test scores, test validation and washback. In addition, current practice in the examining of English as a Foreign Language by different examining boards is reviewed in order to compare testing principles with present test practice. The focus is on the practical: it does not assume a statistical background but explains and demystifies the procedures and concepts that are relevant to the construction and evaluation of language tests. Language Test Construction and Evaluation will provide an invaluable reference for anyone who wishes to understand how language tests are, and should be, constructed.


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"Materials Development in Language Teaching 2nd Edition"

Автор(и): Brian Tomlinson
ISBN: 9780521157049
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

Materials Development in Language Teaching aims to help readers apply current theoretical principles and research findings to the practical realities of developing and exploiting classroom materials. The authors also suggest new ideas and directions in materials development, which readers can pursue for themselves. This book is accessible to readers with little previous experience in the field, and is essential reading for all those involved in developing materials for language teaching.In the second edition of this highly popular title, each chapter has been comprehensively revised and updated to take into account both recent research and the significant technological developments since the first edition was published in 1998. Two new chapters have been added to assess the potential of electronic media for materials development. These chapters include an overview of the technologies available, as well as individual case studies and activities.


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"Meaningful Action. Earl Stevick's Influence on Language Teaching"

Автор(и): Jane Arnold, Tim Murphey
ISBN: 9781107610439
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

This work explores the importance of meaningful action for language teaching and learning, paying tribute to the enduring influence of Earl Stevick.With contributions from 19 ELT authors and influential academics, Meaningful Action draws upon and acknowledges the huge influence of Earl Stevick on language teaching. Stevick's work on 'meaningful action' explored how learners can engage with activities that appeal to sensory and cognitive processes, ensuring that meaning is constructed by the learner's internal characteristics, and by their relationship with other learners and the teacher. This edited volume focuses on meaningful action in three domains: learner internal factors and relationships between the people involved in the learning process; classroom activity; and diverse frameworks supporting language learning.


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"Task-Based Language Teaching"

Автор(и): David Nunan
ISBN: 9780521549479
Видавництво: Cambridge University Press

The field of task-based language teaching has developed considerably since the publication of Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom (Nunan, 1989), a book which helped to set the research agenda in teaching methodology for the following decade. While Designing Tasks underpins this new title, the material has been thoroughly updated and includes four completely new chapters. Task-Based Language Teaching offers a comprehensive and up-to-date appraisal of the field.


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